Tips for Taming
Panic Attacks
2-3 times more women than men have panic attacks
Typical ages to have attacks are late teens & mid-30s
Because physical symptoms are so strong, many
first seek medical help rather than therapy
Understand What’s Happening
Biological theories suggest that what causes panic attacks may be incomplete processing, or over-production, of natural chemical activity in the brain or central nervous system, or both, which excites mind and body to react with fear and physical responses. But, in many cases, it is the conscious or unconscious anticipation of threat or fear that triggers this physio-chemical response. It is currently unknown for certain whether the chemical problem or the fearful expectation comes first, but it is clear that one can and will activate the other.
Managing in the Moment
1. Close your eyes and say to yourself (out loud or silently): in this moment I am safe.
2. Take long deep breaths to the slow count of 4, and exhale to the count of 4 until you begin feeling calm.
3. While breathing & thinking in this moment I am safe, look around for all the straight edges you can see.
4. Change your message to I am coping, all is well and keep doing long slow breaths to a count of 4.
5. Visualize chemical molecules running around in you body, see them slowing down, then falling asleep.
6. Give these visualized molecules a funny cartoon face, or imagine them running backwards
Healthy ways to help prevent panic attacks:
Yoga, swimming promotes relaxation
Daily meditation trains mind to control body
Daily walks releases excess energy
Professional help heals underlying fears
EMDR resourcing Dr. LeAnn can teach you
Find out how you can tame your panic attacks
Or talk with Dr. LeAnn
Call 1-(530) 676-3847

Dr. LeAnn O'Neal Berger, Psy.D., L.M.F.T., specializes in helping clients reduce the frequency and intensity of anxiety attacks, and gain skills in coping without getting swallowed up in panic. Her tools and techniques teach how to face fearful and stressful situations without a panicky meltdown. She has Online sessions for your convenience. Dr. LeAnn is most easily reached by phone at 1- (530) 676-3847 or by email at LeAnn@LeAnnLMFT.com.
Checklist: How Likely is it that You’re Having Panic Attacks?
~ Check what is true for you, and call a therapist specializing in panic disorder ~
You’ve been constantly extremely worried about an attack for more than 1 month
You’re extremely worried about the consequences, if you have an attack
You’ve significantly changed your behavior due to worrying about having an attack
You’ve had sudden periods of extreme fear, reaching the worst of it within 10 minutes
These periods start without warning or clear reason
These attacks aren’t part of drug or alcohol use
You have these attacks more than once a day
You have these attacks more than once a year
You also have milder forms of anxiety or phobias about specific things
You also have other mental health difficulties, such as chronic depression
You have some medical problems that are known to potentially be associated with panic attacks
Mitral valve prolapse
Signs of Panic Attack
Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate
Trembling or shaking
Sense of shortness of breath or smothering
Feeling of choking
Chest pain or discomfort
Nausea or abdominal distress
Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint
Feeling detached from oneself, like you’re in a dream or movie, or alternate universe
Fear of losing control or going crazy
Fear of dying
Numbness or tingling sensations
Chills or hot flashes
Sometimes thinking about making a phone call causes enough anxiety
to trigger a panic attack. If that happens to you, I’d welcome your email.
Just tell me a good time to call you when you can talk freely, without being overheard.
I can help you get control of your life again.